Arizer Solo 2 Vaporizer
Arizer Solo 2 Vaporizer
The Arizer Solo 2 (Canada) Vaporizer takes the crown for one of the most reliable, well built and powerful portable vaporizer kits on the market today.
The Arizer Solo II Vaporizer brings improved battery life, a digital temperature control, and a slimmer, more stylish design to the Solo's much loved and seldom equaled purity of flavour and vapor quality, the Solo 2 Vape is a modern slant on a timeless classic.
With the same stainless steel oven, ceramic heating element and all-glass pathway that made the original Solo the world's no.1 selling vaporizer, the Solo 2 Vaporizer delivers the goods when it comes to flavour from your herbs and pressed resins. The clever design makes it easy to remove your herbs from the chamber when you want to "press pause" on your vaping session, meaning minimal wastage and preservation of your herbal goodness in between sessions. The glass Aroma Tubes can easily be capped with the supplied silicone caps, allowing the user to preload a number of tubes for use while traveling.
The Arizer Solo 2 Vaporizer is a full OLED screen and digital temperature control, displaying your current vaping temperature to within 1 degree, as well as remaining battery life. The Solo 2's new battery has also been improved, pumping enough power for a monstrous 20 sessions per full charge: more than enough power to put any other pocket-sized portable vape to shame. The controls are simple and stylish, with a nifty 3-button system that allows the user to adjust the auto shut-off timer, the screen contrast, and to choose between fahrenheit and celcius.
Arizer Solo 2 Vaporizer Features:
- Vaporizes Herbs
- Vaporizes Resins
- All-Glass Pathway
- Digital Temperature Control
What's in the box:
- Arizer Solo 2
- Glass Mouthpiece x 2
- Aroma Dish
- Stirring Tool
- Lavender
- Travel Pouch
- Wall Charger
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